European Vacation

The Southern Colorado Andersons (that’s Mike, Janelle, Lucas and Axel) are finally on our way to Europe! We are flying into Frankfurt, Germany, then heading south to the Alps.  We’ll be staying in Ellmau, a quaint ski village in the heart of the Tirol region. We hope to sample Austria’s incredible rock…specifically the limestone and…


By Mike Anderson As I said in my last article (Spring, Sprain, Summer, Send?), I’m having somewhat of a “Cinderella Season”…with things just clicking despite some minor adversity. As I bragged in that post, I sent one of my “life list” routes, Grand ‘Ol Opry (5.14c) at the Monastery. It went faster than I expected, leaving me with just…

Spring, Sprain, Summer, Send?

By Mike Anderson This has been a crazy spring/summer for most of us in the Intermountain West.  It was winter, then it got a little warmer, then BAM! Blizzard after Blizzard struck, and in between blizzards would be ludicrous heat waves. It has not been a spring for sending at most crags. Even now, many crags…